Autophagy database


Reserch Articles

Gozuacik D, Bialik S, Raveh T, Mitou G, Shohat G, Sabanay H, Mizushima N, Yoshimori T, Kimchi A

DAP-kinase is a mediator of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced caspase activation and autophagic cell death.
Cell Death Differ. 15, 1875-86. (2008)

Inoue M, Kamikubo H, Kataoka M, Kato R, Yoshimori T, Wakatsuki S, Kawasaki M.

Nucleotide-Dependent Conformational Changes and Assembly of the AAA ATPase SKD1/VPS4B.
Traffic. 9, 2180-9. (2008)

Fujita N, Hayashi M, Fukumoto H, Omori H, Yamamoto A, Noda T, Yoshimori T.

An Atg4B Mutant Hampers the Lipidation of LC3 Paralogues and Causes Defects in Autophagosome Closure.
Mol Biol Cell. 19, 4651-59. (2008)

Yano T, Mita S, Ohmori H, Oshima Y, Fujimoto Y, Ueda R, Takada H, Goldman WE, Fukase K, Silverman N, Yoshimori T, Kurata S

Autophagic control of listeria through intracellular innate immune recognition in drosophila.
Nat Immunol. 9, 908-16. (2008)

Umebayashi K, Stenmark H, Yoshimori T

Ubc4/5 and c-Cbl Continue to Ubiquitinate EGF Receptor after Internalization to Facilitate Polyubiquitination and Degradation.
Mol Biol Cell. 19, 3454-62. (2008)

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