Autophagy database


Reserch Articles

Kim JJ, Lee HM, Shin DM, Kim W, Yuk JM, Jin HS, Lee SH, Cha GH, Kim JM, Lee ZW, Shin SJ, Yoo H, Park YK, Park JB, Chung J, Yoshimori T, Jo EK*.

Host cell autophagy activated by antibiotics is required for their effective antimycobacterial drug action.
Cell Host Microbe. 11(5):457-68. (2012)

Raju D, Hussey S, Ang M, Terebiznik MR, Sibony M, Galindo-Mata E, Gupta V, Blanke SR, Delgado A, Romero-Gallo J, Ramjeet MS, Mascarenhas H, Peek RM, Correa P, Streutker C, Hold G, Kunstmann E, Yoshimori T, Silverberg MS, Girardin SE, Philpott DJ, El Omar E, Jones NL*.

Vacuolating Cytotoxin and Variants in Atg16L1 That Disrupt Autophagy Promote Helicobacter pylori Infection in Humans.
Gastroenterology. 142(5):1160-71. (2012)

Takahashi A, Kimura T, Takabatake Y, Namba T, Kaimori J, Kitamura H*, Matsui I, Niimura F, Matsusaka T, Fujita N, Yoshimori T, Isaka Y*, Rakugi H.

Autophagy guards against Cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury.
Am J Pathol. 180(2):517-25. (2012)

Ishibashi K, Fujita N, Kanno E, Omori H, Yoshimori T, Itoh T, Fukuda M*.

Atg16L2, a novel isoform of mammalian Atg16L that is not essential for canonical autophagy despite forming an Atg12-5-16L2 complex.
Autophagy. 7(12):1500-13. (2011)

Taguwa S, Kambara H, Fujita N, Noda T, Yoshimori T, Koike K, Moriishi K, Matsuura Y*.

Dysfunction of autophagy participates in vacuole formation and cell death in cells replicating hepatitis C virus.
J Virol. 85(24):13185-94. (2011)

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