Autophagy database


Reserch Articles

Nara A, Mizushima N, Yamamoto A, Kabeya Y, Ohsumi Y, Yoshimori T.

SKD1 AAA ATPase-dependent endosomal transport is involved in autolysosome formation
Cell Struct. Funct. 27, 29-37. (2002)

Ishihara N, Hamasaki M, Yokota S, Suzuki K, Kamada Y, Kihara A, Yoshimori T, Noda T, and Ohsumi,Y

Autophagosome requires specific early Sec proteins for its formation and NSF/SNARE for vacuolarfusion
Mol Biol Cell 12, 3690-3702. (2001)

Kihara A, Kabeya Y, Ohsumi Y, and Yoshimori T.

Beclin-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex functions at the trans-Golgi network
EMBO Reports. 2, 330-335. (2001)

Mizushima N, Yamamoto A, Hatano M, Kobayashi Y, Kabeya Y, Tokuhisa T, Ohsumi Y, Yoshimori T.

Dissection of autophagosome formation using Apg5-deficient mouse embryonic stem cells
J. Cell Biol. 152: 657 – 667 (2001)

Kabeya Y, Mizushima N,Yamamoto A, Oshitani-Okamoto S, Ohsumi Y,Yoshimori T

LC3, GABARAP and GATE16 localize to autophagosomal membrane depending on form-II formation.
J Cell Sci. 117, 2805-12. (2004)

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